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Examination Pattern


Students are required to appear in Sessional Examination and secure at least 50% marks to be eligible to appear for the Final Examinations. Students also have to carry out assignments given to them from time to time.


B.Sc. in Hospitality & Hotel Administration Programme:
The Semester Examination will be conducted by National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology and Degree will be awarded by National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) on completion of 3 years programme (6 Semesters). Undergoing a job during the period of Study at the Institute or appearing in any other examination except that held by this Institute may disqualify the student from appearing in Annual Examination.

Diploma / Craftmanship Programmes:
The Term End Examination will be conducted by the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, New Delhi and Diploma/ Certificate will be awarded after the successful completion of Industrial Training. Undergoing a job during the period of study at the Institute or appearing in any other examinations, except that held by the Institute will disqualify the students from appearing in the Term End Examination.

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