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General Rules

Attendance: Each student must have 100% attendance in each subject; failing which he or she will be disqualified from appearing in the final examination. Students coming late will not be permitted to attend classes and will lose attendance for the whole day. 10% attendance can be condoned by the principal on medical grounds if the medical certificate is submitted by the student within 7 days of his return from medical leave.
Absenteeism: Absence without leave permission will be considered as a breach of discipline. The name of student continuously absenting for more than 5 days without written permission shall be struck off from the Institute. The student may be re-admitted on a payment of re-admission fee of Rs. 1000/- if management is satisfied that the absence was due to some unavoidable circumstances.
Conduct: The student must have good conduct throughout the course in the Institute, as it is a part of training and for developing attitude and habits essential for careers in the Hospitality Industry. Students are required to enter in the Institute in complete uniform, greet and respect faculty and staff members. They must help in keeping the premises neat and tidy. Any damage done to property of the Institute by disfiguring walls, doors or breaking furniture, fittings etc. is a breach of discipline and liable to severe punishment and recovery of loss or fines.
Grooming Standards: No Mahendi, tattoos and piercings allowed accept one set of ear piercings (studs) allowed. Formal jewellery (watch / bracelet/ring) are only allowed. Hair should be neatly cropped. No fancy hairstyles permitted. Ladies should have their hair tied in a bun with black hairclips, nails should be clipped. Gentleman should be clean shaven.
Discipline: The students shall not be allowed to go out during the institute’s working hours and no students will be allowed to take part in any sort of politics. If, for any reason the continuance of a student in the Institute is in the opinion of the Principal (which shall be final) is not in the best interest of the Institute, the Principal may ask such students to leave the Institute without explaining his decision. No association or union shall be formed by the students in the Institute.
Fees: Fees should be paid strictly as per schedule and fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstance except the caution money which may be refunded as per rules after the end of the course.
Holidays: The Institute observes all the gazetted and local holidays declared by Rajasthan Government. Any extra holiday in addition could be announced by the Principal.
Medium of Education: For teaching and examination purposes the medium will be English (Degree program) and English/ Hindi (other programs).
Placement: The institute has healthy tie-ups with leading chains of tourism, travel and hospitality industry and assist 100 percent placement.
Training Food: Training food is provided to all the students during working days.
Library: The Institute has a well-equipped library with good volumes of books relevant to the Hospitality Industry. Students are enrolled and issued library cards.
Rules of the library:
1. One book per card will be issued to the students for 7 days.
2. Sub lending of book shall not be allowed.
3. Reference books, rare books, unbound periodicals and other expensive books may not be issued.
4. A reader is responsible for any damage caused to the reading material or any other property of the library and shall be required to replace the same besides the penalty imposed upon him/her by the Principal/ Librarian.
5. Any infringement of the library rules will render a Member’s entry prohibited.
Professional Activities: The Institute organizes professional activities like Hotel Visit, Food festivals, debate, quizzes etc., and students are expected to actively participate in all such activities of the Institute.
Progress Report: The progress report of student’s performance is sent to their parents through email provided by the student after the sessional exams. The parents who do not receive the progress report may contact the Institute for the same.
Sports: Institute provides encouragement for Indoor and Outdoor games. Students excelling in various competitions and tournaments are awarded on the annual day of the Institute.
Uniform: Students in all courses are required to acquire the prescribed uniform within 15 days of the beginning of the session. The students will not be permitted to attend the Institute without proper and complete uniform. It is adviced that student must have two sets of uniforms as they have to wear the uniform every day. The Faculty incharge will convey the exact specification for the uniform in the class. The shirt and trousers must not be stylized.
Visitor: Visitors to students are strictly restricted in the Institute without permission.
Working Days: Monday to Friday (9:00 am to 5:15 pm)

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